Parenting Tips

6 Tips for When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

It makes me laugh writing this post because I get overwhelmed all. the. time. Some days I’m at a breaking point and it’s not even lunchtime yet!

As a stay-at-home mom, somebody always needs something from me. I’m changing diapers, picking up toys, making meals, doing the zillionth load of laundry, giving baths and wiping tears, scrubbing spit-up out of the carpet … I’m also trying to run a blog, be a good wife, and find time to eat something/wash my hair every now and then. And that’s just the everyday stuff on my list!


I’m not sharing this post because I never feel overwhelmed. I’m sharing it because there are things that help on those *really* hard days - and sometimes I’m just too stressed out in the moment to remember them. I’m hoping it will help me to write them down - and maybe it’ll help you, too :) Here goes:

Give yourself a Time Out

Even adults need to regroup sometimes. Take a minute to clear your head and put things into perspective. Ask yourself: Is it really THAT big of a deal? Will it matter in a year, or next month, or even tomorrow? Is it worth giving up my sanity/happiness over? If not, then try to let it go.

(I had to remember this recently when Luna poured milk allllllll over the coffee table. She was trying to make chocolate milk by herself and my brain was just like “noooooo!” Then I realized that a) it was an accident, b) she’s becoming more independent which is a GOOD thing and c) it really wasn’t that big of a deal. So instead of freaking out like a crazy person I gave her a high five … and a wet paper towel to clean up the mess!)

Cut your To Do List in half

Realistically, it’s not all getting done today anyway. Focus on tasks that are really urgent/important and leave the rest until tomorrow. Or cross things off altogether. Am I ever going to shampoo all the carpets in my house? Probably not, which is why it isn’t on my list anymore :)

Do a quick clean

Take 10 minutes to straighten your house, wash dishes, and toss in a load of laundry. *Everyone* functions better in a clean space.

Focus on things you can control

There are some things you just can’t change no matter how much you try. Take them out of the equation … then focus your efforts on the things you can control. You’ll feel a lot less helpless and a lot more confident in your own ability to get things done.

Ask for help

I’m convinced that 95% of the times I’ve felt overwhelmed could have been avoided by asking for help. Trust me, I *know* it’s hard. But you’re not an island - you can’t do everything on your own all the time. So accept help when it’s offered and ask for it when you need to!

Learn to say “No”

If you really don’t have the time or energy, give yourself permission to say “no”. In the end, you don’t actually have to do all the things. Just the ones that really matter.


With love,


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Cozy Fall Fashion for Toddler Girls

It finally feels like fall around here!

It’s crazy how fast it happened. One day we were running around in shorts and tees and the next it was practically freezing outside … which of course was the exact moment I realized I didn’t have ANY warm clothes for Luna!


Target is *usually* my go-to store for toddler clothes. Even though it’s an hour away, I packed up the kids and we headed in that direction. But for some reason I couldn’t find anything that I loved there. Maybe it’s because Lu was really energetic by that point - she kept grabbing things off racks saying “this is SO cute!” faster than I could get them back on!


Thankfully, Old Navy was only a few miles away … and their selection was a lot more my style! I loved how all the clothes coordinated without being too matchy matchy.

BUT … I forgot that Old Navy doesn’t have carts, ugh! So while Luna had the best time running through the racks, I was stuck lugging Stella around in her infant car seat which was definitely a mom fail moment. I actually overheard (not one) but TWO other moms telling their toddlers how good they were being after passing us! I felt like such a bad mom in that moment. It’s funny now but I wish those moms had been a little nicer. I mean, we’ve ALL had days like that, right?! Where our toddlers are out of control but we *really* need to get things done? But it also reminded me that kindness is everything. So if you see a mama looking way in over her head, I hope you’ll offer to help her out - I know I will!


Anyway, we walked away with a few cute pieces and then I ordered more online (I got an extra EIGHT PERCENT cash back using the Ebates app!!). We’ve already gotten SO many compliments on her new looks - now it has me thinking that I need to snag a few things for myself from there!


What are your favorite places to shop for toddler clothes? Or for yourself?! Leave me some recommendations in the comments!

With love,


P.S. Shop the looks here!:

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